
Week 4

Wow- what a week. So Sunday the electricity went out in our apartment right before we were leaving for stake conference so that's why I sent a pic of me blow drying my hair in the church building (I realized I didn't explain that one haha). Tuesday Sister Kang broke her bike, Wednesday three of our potentials dropped us via phone call (tragic) and Edgar's girlfriend answered the door and said she wanted to get a restraining order on us and was yelling for like 5 minutes straight, "WE ARE CHRISTIAN" (couldn't help but think it was ironic that someone would yell at a total stranger that they are Christian, veryyyy Christ like haha),
Thursday we ran over a nail and learned how to change a tire and spent 3 hours in Pep Boys,

Friday I passed out on the curb, I was hanging out the open door cuz I wanted to throw up then next thing I knew I was bent over the curb bawling my eyes out hahaha, classy- I didn't have any energy and I just died, I slept for 2 hours then went back out and felt fine though so no worries, Saturday I got the biggest sore on my tongue (yeah its gross) and now my tongue is huge and I can't really talk without drooling (very attractive haha), and Sunday Juan our new investigator- we decided that he is probably gay. That's a little obstacle, it was actually really funny cuz I was like, "Do you think that Juan is..." and Sister Kang goes, "gay!?" haha then she goes, "I don't know how to teach gays!" It sounds rude but she is so innocent so it was actually just super funny. He is super nice so we are really excited about him and this other investigator named Eduardo (actually I'm mad at Eduardo because we have an appointment with him at 2 today so he is intruding on my Pday! haha oh well). So despite all of that, this week went by so fast! It was fun and I am starting to feel a lot more competent- yay!

Last Monday we went to a Korean market and that was super cool- bought pot stickers, Korean yogurts that I used to eat with Izzy all the time when I was in Taiwan , and some cute Korean stationary, oh and a wedding present for Emily and Don haha. . This week we went and taught English to a family from Nepal and they just have mattresses in their living room and we had given the cute old man a pass along card (the one with Jesus on it) a few weeks earlier and it was sitting there on the desk stood up next to his bed- it was really cute. They had nothing yet they were giving us snacks and soda- it was really touching.

I am feeling so good. I am in the most strict mission, haha we have rules that I've never even heard about, but it's cool, I'm not being a rebel don't worry. I am learning a lot and feeling so light, like without worries, it's a really good feeling. Also, we area pilot mission so they try different ideas out on our mission, like church tour, bilingual program, and the new one is that we are all receiving handheld DVD players to watch the Preach my Gospel DVDS in our apartments in our down time... kinda cool. I hate how much time we spend driving all over the place, I would have been good to walk through the jungle from house to house... but I'm here for a reason and that brings me comfort when this experience is different than I expected or wanted.

Love & miss you tons, take care

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