
Week 25

Helllllllo again!

This week has been action packed! We spent a lottt of time in Arcadia as my comp has physical therapy twice a week so we lose a lot of time doing that and I finally went to the doctor for my issues with my joints! Soooo he said that he is not sure what is wrong with me but he said it looks like rhumatary (sp?- its a fancy word for joints) arthritis, which is not good. He has sent me to a specialist but he doesn't have an opening till the end of November so I booked it but in the mean time I am struggling quite a bit. It's Satan- he is angry that we are doing so well in our area haha. Yeah, its worse in my right hand but the issues I'm having are making it very hard for me to get ready for the day as it especially bothers me in the morning. I now only wash my hair like twice a week and wear it up all the time because washing my hair is almost impossible haha, oh dear. So hopefully I can get a sooner appointment- we will wait and see, at the hospital they took my blood and x-rays of my hands and stuff... kind of exciting. BUT GET THIS- I had to pee in a cup so I did the deed then I went to put it on the counter in front of the pee collector guy and I guess I didn't put the lid on tight enough and I didn't place it down gently and it went sideways and I made a little mess. hahahahaha, the guy goes, "don't worry Ill clean it up." and I was like, "No its mine, let me do it!" hahahahahha classic. It didn't like pour all over the place or anything but there were like pee across the counter- hahahah. I hope you enjoy that little tid bit of my life!

This week we have some awesome new investigators- this family is awesome, the mom Blanca and her 4 daughters, they all committed to baptism and we had another lesson with them the other night and they are reading the Book of Mormon and excited to be baptized and liked church on Sunday- yayyyyy. On Saturday we had a mini missionary with us and that was pretty cool to have her tag along with us for the day. This week I got a lot of hand-me-downs from Sister Kang so my wardrobe is feeling a little fresh! On Sunday I lost the keys and we were stuck at the church for like an hour afterwards, I knew I left them in the kitchen but someone trying to be nice from English ward picked them up and so we couldn't find them.

I got some good news that someone I contacted and we gave as an English referral just got baptized 2 weeks ago- Giselle- pretty cool! There are miracles both seen and unseen here in the mission- I am so grateful to be here and so glad for all the blessings. The mission is tough but I am learning sooo much and know that this is exactly where I am supposed to be and wouldn't trade it for anything else. I love and miss you guys tons, HUGS AND KISSSES FAMILY!!!! love youuu.

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