
Week 39

This week has literally flown by! Monday we went to swap meet where my companion was really excited about how cheap everything was and bought a bunch of clothes. When I have money Im gunna come back and go on a serious shopping spree! After that we met up with the elders in our district (whom I love to death - we all get along so well and its been so much fun to be able to have a fun district for like the first time ever!) We went and ate and it was fun to get to know them better. After that we went to Alejandra’s house where she did acrylic nails on me - she randomly decided she wanted to learn so I was victim #2, haha. They turned out ok but I ended up ripping them off later in the week because I hate having nails - they get in the way of everything. On Tuesday my companion did the most ridiculous thing I have ever witnessed in my life. I was filling up the car with gas as she was checking the air pressure in the tires and she was checking the back left tire as the gas was filling and for some reason she decided she wanted to go under the gas pump while the car was being filled....needless to say - she did not fit and pulled the gas pump out as she went and it poured gas all over her. Hahahahaha. I was just watching this whole thing thinking, "what a ridiculous idea". So I was laughing about this pretty much the whole day.
Thursday was district meeting then afterwards we stayed at the church to decorate for our plan of salvation activity we had that night. It took us 3 hours and we got it looking pretty good and it turned out to be a great success. Last time we did the activity only 4 people came so they decided to re-do it and we put a lot more effort into it and 42 people came and we got 22 referrals. It was a great success and lots of fun so we were really happy with that. Saturday we had a tour with this lady named Guillerma who seemed normal when we contacted her but we soon found out that she indeed had a few screws missing. She talked the whole time abut the most random stuff then at the end of the terrible lesson she offered the prayer and said one relatively normal thing and then we all stood up but she stayed on her knees and started praying to Maria (the virgin Mary) and we were just looking at her like, "Oh dear: haha, maybe you had to be there it was pretty classic. Everyone has an obsession with the virgin Mary and guadalupe...its hard because it is very engrained in them from their Mexican culture. That night we had a lesson with Alexi and Oscar and they are so solid, even if I had no other success on my mission I would be happy to know that I played a role in them being brought to the gospel. That night I was saying how I am going to be here when they get sealed, they are just so awesome and I don’t know if I already told you but she bore her testimony in sacrament and it was so cool and I was just bauling, thats my new cool habit - cry - all the time - but happy tears so don’t worry!! Sister Clawson and I are getting on really well. I am happy and things are coming along, we are struggling to find new investigators but we just need to work harder I guess :)
Today should be a fun day, we have a zone activity at 2 and we will be playing ultimate dodgeball again - I happen to be super terrible at it but it should still be fun. Alright well I better go, the p-day adventures must begin (don’t be fooled, nothing too cool is happening today, haha

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