
Week 40

Pday came very quickly this week, it was packed and very successful so it was awesomeee! On Monday we had a fun P-day with the zone activity where we played ultimate dodge ball again – I was a little bit more aggressive this time around so it was more fun because I actually was able to get 2 people out! Haha, that night we had a FHE with all the missionaries in our district with RS Presidents family which was so much fun because we played signs and they all loved it, I need to teach you guys to play when we all re-united, I learnt it at school.

This week we started teaching a new wonderful family, the Cardonas – they are Golden! We need to fix a few small thing like drinking beer and the big maria statue in the entrance of their hallway, but other than that we are really excited to be teaching them. This week we were able to give 3 investigators tours and have 6 new investigators, Heavenly Father is answering some very earnest prayers and blessing us with new people and success. Its been amazing we had 7 investigators to church on Sunday – its been great.

Friday I felt terrible and pretty much slept the whole day, I have had a super nasty sore throat and my voice has been very masculine this week because of it. Friday night though of course I had enough strength to go to the ward sports activity, which was a really fun activity expect the ward canceled it without telling the missionaries so it was just us and a bunch of investigators and no members... haha still fun but that wasn’t really the point, but oh well. Saturday we had a mini missionary with us and she was really cool, hermana lopex (18 years old) and she is actually going to BYU-I in the winter. On Sunday I taught the lesson in gospel principles class and it was a great success apparently. I was pretty nervous because I was so sick and while I was giving the lesson I felt really hot and dizzy, after the class we actually went straight home because I needed to lie down. I am feeling a lot better today – I slept pretty much all afternoon also but today I am feeling like the worst is deff over – just the flu apparently a lot of missionaries are suffering from right now. Also our ward mission leader got released because he is moving, funny to say that I will have been in this area long enough to be on my 4th ward mission leader haha. Maybe I am scaring them away!!?? haha.
Today so far has been a really fun pday, we went and met up with the elders for panda express for lunch and we were all really depressed because they didn't renew our money on our blue cards (they either do it the last or first day of the month. We all have a good time together, I am sad that Elder Escoto is going home, he is from El Salvador but he speaks perfect English even though he has never lived in the states - its really impressive. After panda we went to swap meet with Alejandra where I brought a shirt for $5 that had a Nordstorms tag on it for $36....love a good bargain! Then tonight is the goodbye party for Elder Escoto (good bye party/FHE) at the Ramirez's house so that will be cool.

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