
Week 45

This week was fabulous. We moved, that was a big event so we lost a lot of time but it is sooooo nice to be in our new apartment, I am still getting used to it. I loveeee it, they did everything new and its so nice not to live with a member. Did I mention that we are Cesar and Elia's neighbors (former investigators), even though we are no longer teaching them- they are my very favorite people and last night they called us at 9 and said to stop by their door before ending the day because they had bought us burgers and fries haha, they love us and we love them. Elia took us to swap meet today, which was fun but I controlled myself and didnt buy anything- yay! So the new apartment is awesome, I was gunna email pix but I forgot to charge my camera and it is dead- next week!

Another highlight of this week- GENERAL CONFERENCE! Oh my goodness I just loved it!!!! So many awesome talks, I loved them talking about the importance of women and wives haha of course, I also loved the emphasis on the fact that our trials are for our good and the importance of the Atonement. I loved the tree analogy where the gardener chops the tree because I feel like that accurately summarizes my mission- I am the tree and Heavenly Father is just chopping me down haha- but its for my good so Im happy about it. We had 5 investigators come to conference- lower than our goal but they all lovedddd it.

Juanitas boss didnt give her Sundays off but said that every second or third Sunday she could leave early so not really sure what we are going to do about that since she is super ready to get baptized and just has that standing in her way. The Cardonas are progressing slowly but surely. We need new investigators!!!

Let me quickly express my love and gratitude for my wonderful family, I know that these things are not coincidence and that Heavenly Father put us 6 together for a reason (sometimes that reason may seem harder to see than others haha). I have been so blessed for being a part of the Christian family, I would not trade it for anything. I love this gospel, I am so happy to know that we can be together forever, the church is so true, the spirit witnesses that to me on a daily basis, it is just one of the reasons I am so glad that I decided to serve a mission. Dont forget the basics- daily prayer and scripture study are so emphasized because they are that important- what a difference it makes- I would know.

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