Thank you for the package!!! We were laughing because I was like, "uhh I think my jacket shrunk" and my comp was like, "umm.. I think you got bigger" haha, I haven't though no worries. I am actually maintaining my weight pretty well considering we don't exercise- I am surprised. So we just got back from a very long visit to the doctors and he is pretty sure I have rheumatoid arthritis- wa hoooo. haha, yeah so that's not good but its not sure yet because they had to take more blood and test me for it to confirm it so I have another appointment with him in 2 weeks but he said he was pretty sure and got me some druggggssss yayyyy. I was kind of scared because on the sheet of paper I took for lab work he ticked some other boxes to test my blood for and one of them was lupus and other scary stuff so thats... interesting. So yeah, arthritis, he said it wasn't good but that medicine has come a long way and that there are treatments so I'm not gunna freak out- yet. haha. I'm excited to start taking these drugs as this week has been especially rough for me.
This week has been really good, the time is speeding up for sure. The transfer is half way over so thats crazy to think, our next transfers are the 20th so its literally right before Christmas so I realllllllly dont want to get transferred. This is my 5th transfer here in Covina so I know everything there is to know about this place haha.
So yesterday we had Blanca and the girl's baptisms!!! yayyyy. The girls are Jackie (15) Steph (14) Deanna (12) and Daniella (10) and they are soooo cool and the baptism went really well and it was so cool to be apart of it. Sister Pike and the Goolds came (cool senior couple that work in the mission office) so that was a pleasant surprise. They were very complimentary and very excited to see a family get baptized so that was legit.
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