
Week 36

OK so heres the good stuff.... I am still in Covina!  Transfer #7 here!  My new companion is named Sister Clawson from Utah.  She is a breath of fresh air after the past few months.  Today she took me out for my birthday.
So I had my doctors appointment this week and he confirmed that I do indeed have rheumatoid arthritis so that was kind of tragic news.  He also said that he thinks we need to keep an eye out for symptoms of  lupus as it showed up in my blood but said not to worry because as of yet I am lacking a lot of the symptoms –so yeah.  So I am taking a drug that is helping and everything is good so no need to worry. 
We were fortunate enough to find a literally goldennnnn investigator and his son, Fernando and Danny and they are super cool. Danny came to church in a suit and everything (only down side is that he smelled like weed.... oh silly Californians), but they are awesome.  Fernando got baptized this Sunday so it was really awesome that he finalllly got baptized!  I gave a talk and it turned out to be a great success..... funny cuz the font was soooo little so we were worried that he was going to hit his head! But luckily he went down just fine – no collision! Sunday night Sister Clawson and I had an awesome lesson with Karla, a less active who is coming back to church and the spirit was so strong that we totally lost track of time and when we got in the car we realized it was 9.45 and that our district leader had called us like a zillion times for numbers (cuz we report them Sunday nights).  Karla is so awesome though and it was an emotional lesson for me because I've been so stressed and then to feel the spirit so strong – I was crying like a little girl.  I love missionary work and I am going to work super hard and be the best missionary ever for the time I have left  - which weirdly enough is only 8 months, wow. I am so happy because our new district is the bomb.  The new Elders are legit so we are gunna have a great transfer, we were all at email this morning and we were talking about how excited we were. 

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